October 20, 2023
FINAL REMINDER- General Meeting on 10-23
Hello United Museum Workers,
This is your final reminder that we will have our next General Meeting on Monday, October 23rd at 7:00pm - 8:00pm. The meeting will take place over Zoom. In addition to getting updated on recent union activity, this meeting offers a valuable opportunity to ask questions, raise issues, and provide suggestions for our future.
You will need to sign a membership card to attend. Please get in touch if you still need to sign a card! Register at this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwrf-GtqD8rEtWxtkJQH6C-aAqhQblVKgeQ#/registration
Invite your coworkers!
Join Us on Slack!
The United Museum Workers has recently created a workspace on Slack, a common communication and organization platform. Any member of the United Museum Workers can join our Slack at this link: https://join.slack.com/t/unitedmuseumusw-95625/shared_invite/zt-20prebjdy-wZM2HpfvDHNOK2PjiBKIKQ
You can download the Slack app on your phone and personal computer, or just use the platform with your web browser. Our union uses Slack to share updates about upcoming union events, organize union activity, spread the word about local labor actions, socialize, and post cute photos of our pets and plants! You can also bring up problems at your museum that need the attention of our union grievers, ask questions about other departments and other museums, and get to know your fellow union members.
The UMW leaders look forward to seeing more of you on our Slack!
Next Local 9562 Meeting
Save the date: the next meeting of our amalgamated local will take place on Wednesday, November 15th. Meet in person at USW Headquarters in Downtown Pittsburgh or join us on Zoom.
Stay tuned for additional details and a Zoom link.
Questions? Ideas? We want to hear from you! Write to us at [email protected]. Our strength as a union lies in our transparent communication and shared experience. Let’s chat!
This is your final reminder that we will have our next General Meeting on Monday, October 23rd at 7:00pm - 8:00pm. The meeting will take place over Zoom. In addition to getting updated on recent union activity, this meeting offers a valuable opportunity to ask questions, raise issues, and provide suggestions for our future.
You will need to sign a membership card to attend. Please get in touch if you still need to sign a card! Register at this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwrf-GtqD8rEtWxtkJQH6C-aAqhQblVKgeQ#/registration
Invite your coworkers!
Join Us on Slack!
The United Museum Workers has recently created a workspace on Slack, a common communication and organization platform. Any member of the United Museum Workers can join our Slack at this link: https://join.slack.com/t/unitedmuseumusw-95625/shared_invite/zt-20prebjdy-wZM2HpfvDHNOK2PjiBKIKQ
You can download the Slack app on your phone and personal computer, or just use the platform with your web browser. Our union uses Slack to share updates about upcoming union events, organize union activity, spread the word about local labor actions, socialize, and post cute photos of our pets and plants! You can also bring up problems at your museum that need the attention of our union grievers, ask questions about other departments and other museums, and get to know your fellow union members.
The UMW leaders look forward to seeing more of you on our Slack!
Next Local 9562 Meeting
Save the date: the next meeting of our amalgamated local will take place on Wednesday, November 15th. Meet in person at USW Headquarters in Downtown Pittsburgh or join us on Zoom.
Stay tuned for additional details and a Zoom link.
Questions? Ideas? We want to hear from you! Write to us at [email protected]. Our strength as a union lies in our transparent communication and shared experience. Let’s chat!