We have scheduled our election with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). Each of us will have the opportunity to cast a ballot voting UNION YES, taking a collective step to make the museums better for visitors and staff alike. Now is our chance to stand together for respect and better working conditions. Together we will make the Carnegie Museums a more transparent and equitable workplace for all.
This election will take place via mail-in ballot. Eligible CMP workers will receive ballots at the mailing address they have on file at the museum. If you are concerned that your address is incorrect, please contact us at[email protected].
Our Election is Coming Up!
Tuesday, November 24: The NLRB will send out ballots to everyone’s mailing addresses.
We encourage you to vote right away and to send your ballot in immediately in order to ensure it gets to the NLRB in a timely manner. Tuesday, December 15: Completed ballots must be received by the NLRB’s Pittsburgh office in order to be counted by 9 am. The NLRB will conduct the count with observers from the museum and our union present.
Secret Ballot
This election will be conducted by secret ballot. You will place your completed ballot inside two envelopes and sign the outermost one. The outer envelope will be pre-addressed and will not require postage.
Completing Your Ballot
All ballots will have the same Yes or No question:
Do you wish to be represented for purposes of collective bargaining by United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied & Industrial Service Workers International Union, AFL-CIO, CLC?
Ballots for professional employees will have a second Yes or No question:
Do you wish to be included with nonprofessional employees in a unit for the purposes of collective bargaining?
The United Museum Workers believe that the answer to both is “YES!” because we are stronger together!
Vote YES! YES! To our union.
Boxes should be marked with an “X.”
After casting your vote, sign the outer envelope.
Ballots that are unsigned and/or contain marks outside of the boxes will not be counted.
If you haven’t received a ballot by Monday, November 30 or need to request a new one, please do the following:
Call the Region 6 office of the National Labor Relations Board at 412-395-4400 and leave a message with your full legal name, your phone number, and your current mailing address.
If any eligible voter does not receive a mail ballot or otherwise requires a duplicate mail ballot kit, they should contact the Region 6 office by no later than the close of business at 5:00 p.m. on December 4, 2020, in order to arrange for another mail ballot kit to be sent to that employee.
Now is the time. Let’s stand together. VOTE UNION YES!
Questions? Concerns? We want to hear from you! Email us at [email protected]